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Thank you for visiting the Gari-Foods section of In this area you will find a listing of traditional Garifuna foods. To delight our visitors, we are trying our best to make this site as interactive as possible and at the same time we are taking evry suggestion into consideration. Feel free to provide us with any feedback that may make us serve you better, and if you have any events coming and would like us to listed in here, please fillin the form at the message center section.

English Section

Coming soon!!! But since this a community work, you're free to translate this document into English and when done, you copy and paste directly in the text area located in the message center section or email it to Don't forget to include your name, so that you can be listed in the contributor section.

Seccion de Garifuna/Español
Eigini (Comidas)
Tapou (Tapado)
Hudutu (Machuca) - Order Recipe Here
Raisanbins (Casamiento)
Alambundiga (Alambundiga)
Tajara (Tajadas) - Order Recipe Here
Irüo (Sopas)
Durudia (Tortillas de harina y yuca)
Fobulo (Tortilla gruesa)
Beili (Beily)
Fen (Pan blaco)
Queque (Queque)
Y las hierbas aromaticas como ser:
Basen (Albhaca)
Bariñe (culantro)
Dumari (famoso cubito garifuna)
Casave (Ereba)
Marumaruti (Marote)
Fagudia (Reposteria)
Bonu (pan dulce)
Peteta wellama (pan de ayote)
Peteta baruru (Pan de paltano)
Peteta mabi (Pan de camote)
Kasara (pan de yuca)
Keisa (Keisa)
Amanu (Amanu)
Migu (Pudin de ñampán)
Salforita (Galleta de almidon)
Arabada (Arabada)
Dabuledu(tabeta de coco)
Tareifulu (Encocada)
Pulambredy (pa de banano)
Bimecacule (Arroz dulce)
Pan de meiz (Pan de maiz)
Rosquilla (Rosquilla)
Gadamalu (Tamales)
Dani (Nacatamal de yuca)
Dugunu(Nacatamalde banano)
Dani mabi (Nacatamal de camote)
Uniey (Bebidas)
Reicilap (Atol de arroz)
Canalap (atol de maiz)
Gilady (Atol de harina de banano)
Letu (Atol de banano)
Gurentu mabi (Atol de camote)
Gurentu Mazapán (Atol de mazapán)
Pinule (Atol de pinol)
Gifiti (Gifity)
Funsu (Ponche)
Gagu gagu (Gagu gagu)
Mamara (Chicha de piña)
Hiyu (Hiyu)
Kususa (Kususa)
Bachati (Tè)
Compiled by: Meldy Perez
Graphic: Dixon Marin
Animation: Jorge Garifuna

Garifuna Foods in History and Future
Aug 18, 2009 by Ma Barley

I came across this information in my searches and thought someone would be blessed by it.


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