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Welcome to the Gari-Heroes section of garinet. In this section you will find a listing of some Garifuna heroes. You are encouraged to provide us with any information regarding a Garifuna hero which does not appear in the list below.

Garifuna Americans to honor Joseph Chatoyer with street naming
Dec 21, 2007 by lidani

Did you know that many of the names on the streets of New York are named after influential individuals who made changes within the neighborhood or a significant change that changed many lives? Names such as Adam Clayton Powell, Malcom X, Martin Luther King, Shirley Chisholm, Eugenio De Hostos, Julia De Burgos and Ramon Velez. These names represent a contribution to New Yorkers but more importantly they represent pride to the perspective communities they represent.

Dr. Alfonso Lacayo Sánchez First Garifuna Doctor
Nov 09, 2003
Born in the city of Puerto de la Ceiba Departamento de Atlántida, Honduras. He was the first Garifuna Doctor.

Thomas Vincent Ramos
Nov 09, 2003
Thomas Vincent Ramos is more to us than what he is portrayed to be. He is more than a grocer, he is more than a preacher, he is more than a journalist, he is more than a farmer, he is more than a songwriter and composer, he is more than a candy maker, he is more than a railroad truck conductor.


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