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Welcome to the Gari-Woman section of In this section you will find the work of our beautiful Garifuna women! Are you a Garifuna woman? Would you like to share something with our community? If yes, send us your information by email,, or by simply filling out the form at the message box section.

Dream by Xiomara Cacho
Nov 09, 2003
Have you seen a dream advance, well I did see it.

Xiomara Cacho Caballero
Nov 09, 2003
I am the first Garifuna poet woman of Honduras, moreover I am the first black woman to publish a book in the country, I am a poet and short story writer "the first one in the country".

Garifuna Woman
Nov 09, 2003
I am a Garifuna Woman
A precious jewel,
Possessing a language dual,
Descending from grandmothers
Who sustained a heroic survival.

I Am A Woman
Nov 09, 2003
I am a woman in search of equality
I will not stand for any abuse or malice
I am a woman and I have dignity

Rita Palacio's Biography
Mar 29, 2002
Rita Palacio is an educator with extensive teaching and administrative experience both in Belize and in the United States. Born in Dangriga, Belize, Rita Palacio is a nurturing mother of nine children. Embracing the colossal challenge of raising nine children and attaining higher education, Rita Palacio pursued undergraduate and graduate education at night while working full time during the day. Living among several cultures of Belize, including Garifuna, Maya, Creole, and East Indian heightened her sensitivity to ethnic differences and prepared her to work in a multicultural society. Having lived in a Spanish-speaking community in her formative years, she speaks Spanish fluently in addition to her native language, Garifuna, and English. Rita Palacio is married to Clifford J. Palacio who is also an educator. Since the early 1970's, they migrated to Los Angeles, California where they now reside.

From her earliest recollections, she was particularly interested in creative writing as a hobby and received awards for excellence in creative writing since elementary school. She was inspired as she observed elderly Garifuna women silently playing important roles in their community, but went almost unnoticed. From years of carefully observing Garifuna women, she believes that there is a commonality in generations of Garifuna women despite the differences in lifestyle. Garifuna women of today share distinct qualities with their forbearers: cultural leadership, persistence, resilience, and dedication to family and cultural values. Rita Palacio considers her mother her greatest inspiration and role model. Through her writings, she would like to capture the complexity and multidimensional nature of the Garifuna woman and the Garifuna culture.


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