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GM, 'Oprah' team up to give away cars
Sep 14, 2004
The woman who made Dr. Phil a household name, launched her own magazine and drove countless books onto the best-seller list is lending her golden touch to a new Pontiac midsized sedan made in Michigan.

`LAX' actually makes turbulence fun to watch
Sep 13, 2004
Most of us spend a lot more time at airports than in emergency rooms or courthouses, and while the hours there are usually routine, the ever-threatening potential for disaster isn't.

Sep 12, 2004
The last woman standing on the hit NBC reality show, in which 16 contestants competed for a chance to work as an executive for Donald Trump, came to Manhattan with a master's degree in business

Friday Box Office Analysis
Sep 11, 2004
After a totally blah Labor Day Weekend, the box office looks to be recovering a little bit, with the butt-kicking action of Milla Jovovich in Resident Evil: Apocalypse leading the way.

Don't hang up on "Cellular"
Sep 10, 2004
If theatrical releases could run 65 minutes or less, then movies like “Cellular� would flirt with perfection. As it stands, the 95-minute mover-and-shaker vibrantly crackles for the bulk of its fevered

Zeta Jones 'stalker' back in court
Sep 09, 2004
A woman accused of threatening to kill movie star Catherine Zeta Jones and "feed her to the dogs" is back in court after a judge ruled she was fit to stand trial.

Court Rules That All Musical Samples Must Be Paid For
Sep 08, 2004
When P. Diddy rapped in 1997 about taking "hits from the 80s," it didn't sound so crazy, because sampling had been an integral part of rap music for years.

Twista Injured in Car Accident
Sep 08, 2004
Popular rapper Twista has been injured in a car accident that left one of his bodyguards dead. The rapper, whose real name is Carl Mitchell, was in a van that crashed near Erie, Pennsylvania early Monday morning.

The 'Donald' returns
Sep 07, 2004
Donald Trump says one of the things that has amazed him about his newfound fame from season one of NBC's "The Apprentice" is the kids.

CBS faces $550K fine for halftime show
Sep 06, 2004
The Federal Communications Commission is getting ready to fine CBS-owned television stations $550,000 total for showing Janet Jackson's infamous halftime show during January's Super Bowl, according to the Washington Post.



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