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Jury Selection Continues in Bryant Case
Sep 01, 2004
About three-quarters of potential jurors in the Kobe Bryant sexual assault case have already been told whether to return to the courthouse later this week for more questioning, putting the selection process on schedule, court officials say.

Jury Selection in Kobe Bryant Case Resumes
Aug 31, 2004
Attorneys in the Kobe Bryant sexual assault case resumed closed-door questioning of prospective jurors Tuesday, seeking out their attitudes about race, experiences with sexual assault and any effect pretrial publicity has had on them.

Jurors Face Questioning in Bryant Case
Aug 30, 2004
Prosecutors and defense attorneys in Kobe Bryant's sexual assault case get a chance this week to see potential jurors eye-to-eye for the first time.

US NBA stars salvage bronze by beating Lithuania
Aug 29, 2004
Averting the worst United States finish in Olympic history, a dejected set of National Basketball Association players salvaged a bronze medal here Saturday by defeating Lithuania 104-96.

NBA-style basketball flops on Athens stage
Aug 28, 2004
David Stern came to town to watch this one. He came to watch the best his league could scrape together — from among the few NBA players who care about their image and reputation in the world — take on Argentina with a chance to advance to the Olympic gold-medal game.

14 months later,
Aug 27, 2004
Jury selection process starts with 500
county residents filling out questionnaire

Marbury Powers US Over Spain, Coaches Square Off
Aug 26, 2004
Officials had to separate the US and Spanish coaches when an argument erupted at the end of the game as the United States beat Spain 102-94 in the Olympic men's basketball quarter-finals Thursday.

Iraq's gold rush ends with loss in semifinal
Aug 25, 2004
Paraguay's 3-1 win leaves feel-good team fighting for bronze

Dominant Argentina advances to final
Aug 24, 2004
The Argentine men's soccer team continued its domination of the Olympics Tuesday, posting its fifth consecutive shutout in a 3-0 semifinal win over Italy in Athens.

Hemingway nabs silver in high jump
Aug 23, 2004
Matt Hemingway, who qualified for his first Olympics on his third try and once quit high jumping because he was "burned out," made sure his first Olympic experience was one to remember.



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