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Gari-Noticias » New World Network Restores International Communication
Dec 04, 2004 (press release), India

New World Network Ltd. said Friday it has begun restoring international communications services to seven Latin American countries after the ARCOS fiber optic ring suffered two separate undersea fiber cuts within days of each other.

New World Network, the principal owner of the Americas Region Caribbean Optical-ring System (ARCOS), already has restored international communication services to Belize, Nicaragua, Panama and Colombia. Emergency repair crews continue working around-the-clock to fully restore services over the ARCOS network to Guatemala, Honduras, and Costa Rica. National and inter-regional communications were unaffected.

"This is the first time in our company's history that we have experienced nearly simultaneous cuts on the same ring," said Fred Wiener, president and CEO of New World Network. "Our system is designed for automatic protection and restoration against a single cut, and the system performed perfectly following the initial fiber fault. However, it is an extraordinary event for any company in the telecommunications industry to experience nearly simultaneous cuts on the same ring."


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