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Do you Gari? » Garinagu (plural for Garifuna) In The Tech Era
May 25, 2000

You can expect to see more technological, social, economical and cultural advances within the Garifuna community in this new Millennium and beyond.  Our youth are asking for it, and most of their voice is being heard.  Reality of this can be seen from the event that the organizations LIBAÑA BABA and MUGAMA, jointly put together on 5/20/00.  The event was focus on the inspiration of our youth.  Speeches of inspirations were presented by certain individuals such as the respectable, Mr. Andoni Castillo, Mr. Carlos Gamboa, myself, Jorge Garifuna, and some Garifuna sisters.

The topics that I noticed were common in all of our speeches, were:

  1. The extensive importance of high self-esteem, since it is very important that you feel good about yourself and know your identity as a Garifuna (in our case), for you to accomplish great things.
  2. The key points about education, which makes you competitive in this world, not only on the national scale, but also on the global level.  As pointed by the brother Carlos Gamboa, "Your competition won't be your next door neighbor, or the girl next block that dresses differently than you, or the boy around the corner that has Jeep, but instead your competition will be overseas, in Japan, China, Europe, whereby they will be working from their home, for a company of the United States, at a lower pay rate."
  3. The results of taking breaks, while uncertain of what to do or want to become.  Many of us are not sure about what career to take or what we would like to become in the future, and I find myself in that same situation, even as I'm writing now. I personally (your opinion might be different), don't see anything wrong with that, however, the wrong thing that I see is not doing anything while you are thinking about what you want to you, since of us decide to take breaks as a solution, and before we know it we are on the wrong side of the road.

In my opinion, the event was very successful! Fabulous music followed by on of the masters of Punta, J-King and his kids. In gratitude to my participation the following letter was sent me:

May 22, 2000

Dear Mr. Cacho

It's a blessing to know that you are around when you are needed to share your sources and talent with our children.

On behalf of LIBAÑA BABA and our children I thank you for participating and financially supporting the INSPIRE TO ASPIRE Educational/Career/Vocational Conference 2000.  The conference was successful just because you were there when we needed you.

With all my appreciation and respect, I remain, 

very truly yours


Dionisia Amaya

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