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Gari-Tech » AOL on your kitchen counter
Apr 06, 2000

"The time has come for you to make a choice!" either you choose to keep buying food outside or remain in you kitchen, surfing the web. AOL has recently launched a product line that allows you to do the latter in your kitchen. As most people get online they expect for people to need more devices to get connected.

You will be seen more of these in the future, which makes me think of a movie (in DVD format which I bought from J&R) I saw recently, entitled "NetForce." Chech it out when you get a chance! One of the main points which I captured from it was that "Him who dominates the Internet, dominates the world". This is just a movie of course, but I can see that it is becoming a reality, with many of the pure players trying to be the world, I mean, the Net's dominants. Microsoft, AOL and some others are just a few example of this. Don't get me wrong now, I'm a fan of new technology, however, many times we tend to believe that technology is everything and fail to see some of the negative impacts that it has in our lives. Click here for details

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