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Nov 17, 2003

Lachamuru Jerry Castro

It’s being more than 11 years since I have gone back to Labuga (Livingston) always using the excuse that I have to graduate before I leave, but it has become difficult in the last few years as most of my friends always drop a reminder about how things have changed in my Labuga.

For some unknown reason, this will be the first time I reveal about root connection to the piece of land that saw me grow, but have yet have seen my “mini-me� success. For some unknown reason, even though Thanksgiving is about to take place in the U.S., my mind goes back to the 26th of November, the day of celebration as the Garifuna community, culture and heritage becomes a National holiday for all Guatemalans.

Yet I have not gone to see, enjoy and report back to you about it.

One thing is for sure, though. Since 1996, Livingston has taken the lead in cultural promotions in Guatemala. With its exotic beaches and unforgettable night life, it is rather difficult to ignore this event, rather that not wanting to be part of it.

This year, the town of Livingston and Labuganas will celebrate yet another year into the life of a town that was ignored in years past, but is proving to be both economic and social tool for Garinagu in that region.

This year, as my presence is in the U.S. my mind flows back to the soft and sweet drink of the green coconut, rice and beans with fry fish and yellow plantains and the sound of Labuga Boys from Lugudi Barana.

From the staff and crew of Lidani and Garinet. Happy Holidays to my town, Labuga – Livingston.

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