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Do you Gari? » Garinagu at Harlem Parade!
Dec 01, 2003

Hundreds pf 1199EIU members and their families marched Setp. 21 in Harlem's annuan African-American parade. Members wore T-shirts commemorating the 40th anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington during which the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech. "4oth Anniversary, March on Washington 'I Have a Dream'" was printed on T-shirts worn by members.

They marched behind a float emblazoned with the sign "The Children Are Our Future." Sharing the float with 1199SEIU retirees was on Pont Band. The band played an assortment of rythm-and-blues tunes that had onlookers applauding and singing to the music.

"The parade was a wonderful experience for me and my 13-year-old daughterm Anika," says Cynthia Welcome, a Brooklyn Services for the Underserved program specialist. "Anika was excited about seeing the hip-hop artists who were in the parade."

"The enthusiasm was great," says Nancy Roebuck, a Patient Care home health aide. "People who were watching the parade recognized our union and asked how they could join"

This article was submitted by Jorge Marin from Punta Rock Records
Copyright holder is 1199SEIU NEWS

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