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Opinion » Open questions about New York party problem
Jan 14, 2004

You are on the right track. I think the plan can work. There are some things, I think, that must be considered to further reinforce the plan.

a) find out the legality of denying someone admittance to a party,

b) Who will be in charged of compiling these names and who will be the point of contact? Who keeps the list? How will party organizers know who to get the list from?

c) What happens when the instigator is accompanied by his family to the party, do we deny them all admittance?

d) who will decide who the instigators are? certainly there are those who are always starting fights, but who will be the person or persons in charged of the decision to place the name of the individual on the list? Will it be legal to photograph, print picture and name and publish the list with a label without allowing the individual know about it?

If you have not read the article Three step system to fix the problems at parties in New York! please do so to provide your answer to these questions.

Please tell us your answer to these concerns here

Garinagu And Their Relations To Each Other

The Queen of Darasa (a Garifuna food)

Three step system to fix the problems at parties in New York!

Fedu in the Garifuna village of Hopkins, Belize


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