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Gari-Tech » Garinet’s shopping section gets a facelift
Apr 28, 2005

The shopping section of gets a new color theme to match the rest of the site. The old brownish color was in place since the new shopping section was revamped in December of 2003.

The need came about to standardize the site’s color themes for users to have a better experience during their visit to

When Garinet’s shopping application was revamped in 2003, it was improved to accommodate for three different user roles:
- Customers: are able to browse over 1000 different products available in the shopping interface and when their purchase is complete, they would be able to track their orders through a special password protected personalized area.

- Suppliers/vendors: are able to track with exactitude how their products are selling and when their payments have been made. Every time a product gets sold, the supplier automatically receives an email to let him/her know of the new purchase of his/her specific product.

- Administrator: is able to oversee orders, manage products & inventory and run multiple reporting tools available within the application to make informed marketing decisions.

Garinet’s shopping has assisted many suppliers within the community to expose their products to visitors within the United States and overseas. The entire application is available for licensing for those individuals/business owners that are looking to provide products and service for sale on the internet.

Some of the websites that utilize Garinet’s shopping application include:


The application has been built from the ground up to be completely bilingual (English/Spanish). It currently supports PayPal and PayJunction merchant credit card processing providers for business owners to start accepting credit cards right away.

Those suppliers and business owners that are interested in learning more about how Garinet’s shopping application may assist them, are encouraged to contact Garinet at

To view the new changes to Garinet’s shopping section, simply click here or refer to the following link:

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