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Remembering » The Reyes Family is mourning the passing of Father Reyes
Jun 10, 2005

We regret to inform you that Father Reyes has passed away on Friday, June 10, 2005 in Dangriga, Belize.

For the few that may not be aware, Father Reyes, was my grand-father from my father’s side of the family. He was the son of Narciso Reyes, which was also the father of Marcelina Reyes, mother of Ruben Reyes, which is the father of Jorge Garifuna.

Below is a symbolic demonstration of the relationship:

Narciso Reyes
o Father of:
o Father Reyes
o Marcelina Reyes
    Mother of:
     â€¢ Ruben Reyes
       o Father of:
          Jorge Garifuna

Father Reyes was one of the few Garifuna priests that supported whole-heartedly many positive Garifuna functions. When I first visited Belize in April of 2003, Father Reyes, was the one that conducted the Garifuna mass for the April 12th, Garifuna Day of that year.

I believe that one of the last Garifuna weddings that he conducted, was the great wedding of his nephew, Ruben Reyes, that took place in Los Angeles, California on October 23, 2004. This was also the last time that I saw him in person.
I will sure miss Father Reyes. I will remember him as a man who always provided a great advice when you needed it the most. I’m sure that those that knew him, will remember him for the great impacts that he has had on the many lives that had an ear open to listen to him.

May Father Reyes’s soul, rest in peace.

About the author:

Jorge Garifuna is a Computer Scientist and Real Estate professional, who loves to serve his Garifuna community. Jorge has served as vice-president of former New York-based, Garifuna youth organization, Lileiti Dufigati, has been the president to Los Angeles-based, Garifuna organization, SONHOCA, and holds membership with various Garifuna organizations, such as Wafadaha Uwara, and national technology organizations, such as ACM and IEEE. Jorge has donated his time to lecture classes about Computer & Internet usage for Garifuna organizations like, MUGAMA. Additionally, Jorge has trained high school students in programming, for national competition, under the BDPA-LA organization.

Jorge is also the CEO of Garinet Global Inc. Garinet has established itself as the major Garifuna Network since it launched in 1999. It currently averages over one million hits per month from over one hundred different countries around the world.

Garinet has consistently created services to enhance the future of the Garifuna community. Through its website, Garinet offers the general public, a multitude of Website services for organizations, businesses, entertainers and family members.

Jorge may be contacted by email at

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