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Interviews » Da BizNiz Interview - Warrior King
Jul 20, 2004

Blessed King the last time I was set to interview you was down in Belize at a local radio station that I was an intern at. It was also the day before your anticipated show at the Civic Center, so here we are united once again at The UCLA Reggae/Jazz Festival. I’m dressed with jeans, white dress shirt and tie on the other hand your decked in your Red, Gold and Green garment, lets jump into things.

D.B.: (Talking with a heavy Jamaican accent) Blessed gotta hand it to you man that was an excellent performance Warrior. How have the King been doing in the biz?

W.K.: First and foremost I must say greeting in the name of the Mighty.

D.B.: Respect. You’ve been in show business since when?

W.K.: (calculating) 2001, so three years.

D.B.: Where does Warrior King stand amongst the elite Jamaican artist?

W.K.: I don’t compete, just do my work.

To read all of da BizNizz Interview with Warrior King, buy the July/August 2004 issue of da BizNiz magazine.

Ras-Z Interview

Aziatic Interview - Part II

Aziatic Interview - Part I


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