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Garinet Updates » Save money - Garinet shipping lowered significantly!
Aug 26, 2003

Oscar, a college student attending Brooklyn College in New York, was about to place an order for a few Garifuna books on One of his history classes required him to write a paper on cultures, so Oscar, selected the Garifuna culture to write about.

As he learned about the cultural products that garinet has, he went on his computer, selected a few books, added them to his shopping cart and when he was ready to place the order... he was shocked by the shipping charge that garinet was charging, so he contacted garinet to negotiate the shipping and handling charge.

We came to an agreement and now we have decided to lowered the shipping charge for those orders that are placed on or after 8/26/03 to give you the same advantage Oscar had.

Now you can save close to two dollars, instantly, when you purchase any product from

This special offer will not last long. Additionally if you place your order today, your order will be shipped out within 24 business hours, guaranteed, or we'll ship it for FREE.

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