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News -> Health

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Menstruation Is Fast Becoming Optional      05/21/06

For young women with a world of choices, even that monthly curse, the menstrual period, is optional. more...

Rare Disease Traced to Sperm Donor      05/20/06

A sperm donor passed an extremely rare and dangerous genetic ailment to five children born to four couples, doctors reported Friday in a case that exposes a gap in the screening process. more...

Crohn's Disease Drug Cleared for Children      05/19/06

Federal regulators approved Remicade as a treatment for Crohn's disease in children on Friday, just days after publication of a study linking the Johnson & Johnson drug to an increased risk of some cancers in rheumatoid arthritis patients. more...

5-Month-Old Girls in ICU After Separation      05/14/06

Abbigail and Isabelle Carlsen remained in intensive care under sedation Saturday, one day after doctors spent nearly seven hours in surgery separating the conjoined twins. more...

Coroner: Peanut Kiss Didn't Cause Death      05/12/06

A Canadian coroner confirmed Thursday that a teenager — once believed to have died from a peanut allergy after kissing her boyfriend — died from an asthma attack. more...

Feds Probe Kidney Transplant Program      05/09/06

Federal health regulators have launched an investigation into a Kaiser Permanente kidney transplant program that reportedly put hundreds of patients' lives at risk by bungling paperwork that prolonged or canceled procedures. more...

Supermarkets Urge Families to Dinner Table      05/07/06

For working parents and heavily scheduled school kids, family mealtime is as out of fashion as the scene in Norman Rockwell's iconic Thanksgiving supper painting. Supermarkets are trying to lure families back to the dinner table. more...

EU Panel: Aspartame Poses No Cancer Risk      05/05/06

The popular diet sweetener aspartame won another round in the safety debate when a European panel of scientists said Friday there's no sign it raises the risk of cancer. more...

AP: Government Drafts Pandemic Flu Plan      05/02/06

Employers should have plans to keep workers at least three feet apart, colleges should consider which dormitories could be used to quarantine the sick, and flight crews should have surgical masks to put on coughing travelers under a draft of the government's pandemic flu plan obtained by The Associated Press. more...

Alzheimer's Theory Set for Drug Test      05/01/06

A provocative new theory suggests that one root cause of Alzheimer's disease is linked to diabetes — a theory about to be tested in thousands of Alzheimer's patients given the diabetes drug Avandia in hopes of slowing brain decay. more...

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