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New Pain Relievers Boost Blood Pressure More - Study      02/14/05

Arthritis drugs known as COX-2 inhibitors raise blood pressure more than older pain relievers, which may explain why the newer medicines have been linked to heart attacks, Australian researchers reported on Monday. more...

New York Warns of Fast, Resistant Strain of HIV      02/13/05

One day after the discovery of a drug-resistant, fast-developing AIDS case in New York prompted city health officials to announce an alert, leading experts said on Saturday there may be little cause for alarm. more...

McDonald's to Pay $8.5 Million in Trans Fat Lawsuit      02/11/05

McDonald's has agreed to pay $8.5 million to settle a lawsuit over artery-clogging trans fats in its cooking oils, the company said on Friday. more...

Hormone Spray Helps Low Libido Women, Trial Shows      02/10/05

Young women with low libido had good sex more often after using a testosterone spray, Australian researchers said on Thursday. more...

Protein from Red Meat, Dairy Tied to Heart Risks      02/09/05

Older women who eat a relatively large amount of protein from red meat or dairy products may have an elevated risk of dying from heart disease, the results of a large study suggest. more...

Dolly's Creator Granted Human Cloning License      02/08/05

The scientist who created Dolly the sheep, the world's first cloned mammal, was granted a license Tuesday to clone human embryos for medical research. more...

India Begins AIDS Vaccine Trials on Humans      02/07/05

India, home to the world's second-largest HIV population after South Africa, began its first ever human trials of a new vaccine against the deadly virus Monday, the health minister said. more...

Cambodia Confirms Bird Flu in Poultry Near Capital      02/06/05

Bird flu has been found in chickens near the Cambodian capital, officials said Sunday, raising fears about the spread of the deadly virus in a country with little to no health system. more...

Bat Saliva Drug May Improve Stroke Outcome      02/05/05

The results of a small study suggest that desmoteplase, an investigational clot-busting drug derived from vampire bat saliva, safely restores blood supply to the brain when administered up to 9 hours after a stroke occurs. more...

Rheumatoid Arthritis Raises Heart Death Risk - Study      02/04/05

Rheumatoid arthritis seems to raise the risk of silent heart disease in patients -- even before they know they have the chronic condition, U.S. researchers reported on Thursday. more...

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