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Protesting for peace
Nov 30, 2004
of demonstrators led by a Catholic priest who sat outside the gates of Fort Benning, Ga., in response to the murders of six Jesuit priests in El Salvador.

A Bid to Cuts Cost Of Money Transfers For Immigrants
Nov 29, 2004
"They charge less than Western Union," he said, and Mi Pueblo's agent in El Salvador is near his family in San Salvador.

Southern Activists Found Dead in Apparent Murder-Suicide
Nov 29, 2004
the Coalition for Justice in Central America; 1987 Witness for Peace/Fellowship of Reconciliation/Buddhist Peace Fellowship delegate to Nicaragua and Honduras.

First trial related to smuggling deaths to begin
Nov 28, 2004
Packed inside the trailer, which had little ventilation, the immigrants from Mexico, Central America and the Dominican Republic began succumbing to the

Nicaragua's lawmakers move to expand powers
Nov 28, 2004
Nicaragua's congress has made a dramatic new attack on the powers of President Enrique Bolanos, voting to give itself power to ratify, summon and dismiss

Local student on a mission to help Honduras
Nov 28, 2004
Armed with little more than a suitcase and charitable intentions, city resident Martina Smielewska is headed for Honduras.

Firefighter packs faith for aid work in Darfur camps
Nov 27, 2004
Williams, 46, has been involved with Tigard-based Northwest Medical Teams since 1985 and has traveled to Honduras and Uzbekistan, where he helped set up the

Hopes Fade for Briton Missing in Nicaragua
Nov 26, 2004
Rescuers have searched three-quarters of a jungle volcano in Nicaragua without finding any sign of the missing British and American tourists, Police

Salt Lake City Deseret News, UT
Nov 25, 2004
Instead, they'll be dishing up pan con pavo (chicken with dressing) and tamales next to a garbage dump in El Salvador that is home to about 400 people

Nicaragua has destroyed 1,000 Soviet-made missiles
Nov 25, 2004
Nicaragua destroyed 334 Soviet-made surface-to-air missiles on Wednesday, bringing the total to about 1,000 so far this year, the Defense



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