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Garifuna Day


Garifunas Celebrate with Joy Their Arrival in Honduras
Apr 17, 2005
On April 12, 1797 five British ships brought approximately 2,500 Garifunas from the Island of Saint Vincent, north of Venezuela, to the Island of Roatan in Honduras. After several wars with the Garifunas, the British were in the end victorious and evacuated from St. Vincent all the Blacks who had intermarried with the Carib and Arawak Indians there, so the British could plant sugar on St. Vincent.

Garifuna Street Fest Celebrated on April 9th in Los Angeles and more (Garifuna/English/Español)
Apr 08, 2005

* Garifuna day is April 12, celebrate with a Garifuna E-Card
* Garífuna Day Street Festival INVITATION for April 9th
* The Unknown Survivors of Los Angeles
* Santa Rosa de Aguan, Honduras, the before and after hurricane Mitch
* Upcoming Events
* New Products

Garífuna Day Street Festival INVITATION for April 9th
Apr 07, 2005
Please join us as we celebrate Garinagu Empowerment Movement's (GEM) 5th Annual
Garífuna Day Street Festival on Saturday April 9th in South Los Angeles on Avalon
Boulevard, between 41st Street and 43rd Street.

Santa Rosa de Aguan, Honduras, the before and after hurricane Mitch
Apr 06, 2005
For most people from Honduras, October & November of 1998, remains a period of time in history that is very vivid in the minds of this community, much like September 11, 2001, for the American people and the rest of the world. During this time period the devastating hurricane Mitch swept away many lives and crippled many houses, bridges and roads.

The Unknown Survivors of Los Angeles
Apr 05, 2005
LOS ANGELES, California (March 25, 2005) – Within the Los Angeles community lives a group of survivors. A group that fought for their freedom from their aggressors, unwilling to accept enslavement as an option. A group who maintained their solidarity through forced dislocation and exile from their homeland of Yurumein, now known as St. Vincent.

Send a Garifuna E-Card to anybody in the world for FREE
Apr 04, 2005
As pointed out by Rony Figueroa in his great article, Internet or Inter-Not, “a website can be used as a launching pad to keep a community together.� Garinet Global has always taken side on this view and with its new project, Garinet Global, is on its way to building “The Largest Garifuna Photo Gallery in the World!�

Lidani Garifuna Times interviews Dr. Joseph Palacio
Mar 22, 2005
For those of you who don’t know, Dr. Joseph Palacio is a hustler, just like the artist Cassidy says on his new single featuring Jay-Z.

But there’s something special about this “hustla�. He is smart, and humble. His responses to the questions we asked were firm and direct.

And if you ask about his resume, his ambition and his plans, please, look no further.

The Beginning of Punta Rock
Mar 22, 2005
In celebration of the 208th Anniversary of Garifuna Heritage, there’s no way we can ignore the epicenter of what has maintained Garifuna culture for the past 27 years. And yes, we must put on the record that it was not Banda Blanca who created this juggernaut. It was a group young Garifuna men in the Garifuna City of Dangriga in Belize.

In Celebration of Garifuna Heritage Month
Mar 14, 2005
In 2005, you may consider that the availability of Garifuna News and information is beginning to reach its peak, thanks to the works of websites and message boards.

WGO 2005 Assembly
Mar 04, 2005
Over some years now, the World Garifuna Organization (WGO)
has been very intensely concerned about the quality of the interactions
and exchanges among our black students, parents, schools and educational
administration and ultimately how they, each in its own fashion, benefit
from and contribute to its own individual progress and development as
well as to that of the Nation at large.



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