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Garifuna Day


Nov 01, 2004
As we enter the month of November, we Garinagu, must take into perspective the reason of the Settlement Day Celebration. Many times we take for granted this especial day and just celebrate without taking into account the reason of the celebration. This is the time of the year that Garinagu from all over celebrate the day of the arrival to the land of Belize in Dangriga in 1832.

April 12 is a Garifuna Holiday, and Garifumericans are getting ready (Part 1)
Mar 26, 2004
In New York, Los Angeles and across the Nation, a Garifuna Holiday is drawing attention.

Today is the day we commemorate 206 years of Garifuna presence in Honduras
Apr 11, 2003
Today is the day we commemorate 206 years of Garifuna presence in

April 12, 2000, in the city of Trujillo, Colón
Apr 12, 2000
For your information, a bit on how we celebrated the 203rd anniversary of the arrival of the Garífuna to Honduras here in Trujillo, Colón, Honduras.



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