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Garifuna Day » April 12, 2000, in the city of Trujillo, Colón
Apr 12, 2000

Dear friends,

For your information, a bit on how we celebrated the 203rd anniversary of the arrival of the Garífuna to Honduras here in Trujillo, Colón, Honduras: with celebration and culture and also protest, to try and ensure the next 203 years have a little more justice and progress than the past. We are negotiating these demands to the municipal authorities.


April 12, 2000, in the city of Trujillo, Colón

The grassroots Garífuna organizations of Trujillo, commemorating 203 years of our presence in Honduras and 203 years of our struggle for survival and justice here, aware of the social problems that prevent us from reaching an acceptable level of social and economic development, and aware of the responsibility of the municipal and state authorities to solve equitably the problems in our towns, DEMAND:

1. Respect for the historical land rights of the Community of Cristales and Rio Negro, guaranteed by Convenant 169 of the Organization of International Labor [signed by Honduras] and Article 346 of the Honduran Constitution;

2. The enforcement of Article 107 of the Honduran Constitution which prohibits the sale of lands within 40 km of the coast to foreigners;

3. Greater enforcement and vigilance, and no further extension of permits for the exploitation of trees along the Rivers Grande, Negro and Cristales;

4. The fair and equal distribution of water in Trujillo;

5. The scheduled, permanent recollection of trash 2 times a week in the Garífuna neighborhoods;

6. No further extension of permits for the selling of alcoholic drinks in Garífuna neighborhoods;

7. The compliance with the decree prohibiting minors in the discoteques.


Fundacion 12 de Abril

Comité de Emergencia Garífuna de Honduras

Enlace de Mujeres Negras de Honduras

Comunidad de Cristales y Rio Negro Centro Independiente para el Desarrollo

de Honduras

Patronato Pro-Desarrollo de la Colonia Manuel Bonilla Organización de

Desarrollo Étnico Comunitario

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