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Welcome to the Health section of

Proposal Aimed at Reducing Mad Cow Risk
Sep 22, 2004
The government is taking steps to reduce the already minimal risk of mad-cow tainted components ending up in childhood vaccines and other medications.

Patients Warned of CJD Risk
Sep 21, 2004
Thousands of patients were warned today they may have been exposed to vCJD through blood plasma products. The Department of Health said more than 6,000 people ...

Swampscott hepatitis case spurs vaccinations
Sep 20, 2004
A waitress at a Bertucci's Brick Oven Pizzeria in Swampscott has been diagnosed with hepatitis A, prompting the local board of health to order vaccinations for all the restaurant's employees.

Hefty Kids Have Higher Risk of Future Heart Attack
Sep 20, 2004
Overweight children are three to five times more likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke before they reach 65 than slimmer youngsters, an international charity said Monday.

Activists urge African governments to outlaw female circumcision
Sep 19, 2004
Activists intensified pressure on African governments to outlaw female circumcision, a custom that has afflicted up to 130 million women and children across the world.

Parents Wary of Antidepressants for Kids
Sep 19, 2004
Alarmed at a recommendation that antidepressants for children carry a strict new warning label, some parents are not letting their kids take the drugs as part of a clinical trial for young people who have attempted suicide.

Condom Mishaps Spell Trouble for Men
Sep 18, 2004
A new study of people who visited a Colorado sexually transmitted disease clinic found that about half of those who regularly used condoms reported mishaps ranging from breakage to slippage.

Alcohol, Diabetes, Hepatitis Up Liver Cancer Risk
Sep 18, 2004
Heavy alcohol use, diabetes, and viral hepatitis combine synergistically to raise the risk of developing liver cancer, according to a new report.

Pelvic Exercises Treat Persistent Incontinence
Sep 17, 2004
Physical therapy aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor muscles may help many women who suffer lingering incontinence months after giving birth, a study suggests.

Eating Habits Improve with Age, Says Study
Sep 17, 2004
Adults eat twice as many fruits and vegetables as they did when they were children and take in less fat and sugar, according to a new study.



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