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Welcome to the Health section of

Cannabis May Have Long-Term Benefit for MS
Sep 10, 2004
Cannabis-based treatments may have longer-term benefits for multiple sclerosis patients, scientists said on Friday.

MMR vaccination "safe": Your reaction
Sep 10, 2004
There is no evidence to support a link between the controversial MMR vaccine and autism in children, researchers said on Friday. The study looked at the medical records of about 5,000 children and concluded ...

Report: Pot use down, prescription abuse up
Sep 09, 2004
Fewer American youths are using marijuana, LSD and Ecstasy, but more are abusing prescription drugs, says a government report released Thursday. Heavy alcohol use among those 12 and older remained the same, the report said.

Qualified health claim for fatty acids
Sep 09, 2004
Conventional foods will henceforth be able to display a qualified health claim for omega-3 fatty acids - previously restricted to supplements - the Food and Drink Administration (FDA) announced yesteday.

Spotting clogs in arteries often difficult
Sep 08, 2004
News that former President Bill Clinton needed quadruple bypass surgery was sobering to many people but not surprising to cardiologists.

Cell transplants for diabetes show promise
Sep 08, 2004
Just under 60 percent of diabetes patients who have received an experimental transplant of pancreatic cells are able to live without insulin injections a year later, Canadian and U.S. doctors reported on Tuesday.

Chicken Pox Vaccine Puts Dent In Hospital Costs
Sep 07, 2004
In the old days, kids had to suffer through the chicken pox using home remedies to ease the itching. But in 1995, a vaccine was introduced that protects kids against the ailment.

Secrecy Barring Doctors from Cancer Data -Charity
Sep 06, 2004
A combination of industry secrecy, lack of money and shortage of time is keeping the results of many clinical cancer trials locked away and depriving doctors of crucial information, campaigners said on Monday.

Smoking and Drinking Are Bad for Semen
Sep 06, 2004
Look out, men -- smoking and drinking alcohol may affect the quality of your semen.

Drug Recycling Offers Alternative to Imports
Sep 04, 2004
When Joana Ramos' father-in-law died recently, family members in Georgia sent her his left-over Parkinson's drugs rather than throw them out, in hopes they would help someone who couldn't afford them.



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