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Honduras Still without President
Dec 05, 2005
Honduras is still without a president a week after elections, although opposition Liberal Party candidate Manuel Zelaya has

Honduran Election still Undecided
Dec 04, 2005
A week after the end of the elections, Honduras has not yet named a president, despite the clear lead position of opposition Liberal Party leader Manuel

Belize National Coast Guard officially launched
Dec 03, 2005
The Governor General Sir Colville Young officially launched the Belize National Coast Guard Service in a ceremony on the Marine Parade beside the Memorial Park

Tension as Honduras awaits result
Dec 03, 2005
With half of the votes from Sunday's presidential election in Honduras now counted, it is still unclear who will emerge as the winner.

Nicaragua-Costa Rica tensions over strategic canal route
Dec 01, 2005
With historical tensions again flaring between Costa Rica and Nicaragua, Rodrigo Carreras, Costa Rica 's ambassador to Nicaragua, is calling for understanding

El Salvador cops cuff naked tunnelling blaggers
Dec 01, 2005
had their collars felt (in a manner of speaking) in El Salavdor after ... stretched 75m from an abandoned house towards the target establishment in San Salvador.

Belize bids goodbye to hurricane season; but is it over?
Nov 30, 2005
Epsilon poses no threat to Belize or any other land mass, but according to Deputy Chief Meteorologist Ramon Frutos, present conditions in the Caribbean Sea

Honduras election still too close to call
Nov 30, 2005
Honduras' presidential election remained too close to call early Wednesday, with the opposition candidate who was proclaimed victory

Rotary collects books to fill school libraries in Belize
Nov 25, 2005
That's what a Rotary member found on a trip to Belize two years ago. ... Sharpe's club then sent 1,200 books to Belize and divided them between two schools.

El Salvador: Women living between danger and impunity
Nov 25, 2005
The government of El Salvador has an outstanding debt to the women of this country, a debt that can only be repaid with justice, said Amnesty International



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