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Crime shapes debate in Honduras election
Nov 25, 2005
Ruling National Party candidate Porfirio "Pepe" Lobo Sosa proposes the death penalty

Storm Gamma kills 34, affecting nearly 33,000 in Honduras
Nov 24, 2005
Tropical storm Gamma has killed 34 people and affected around 33,000 in Honduras, authorities of the Central American country announced on

American couple killed in plane crash in Belize blamed on Tropical Storm
Nov 22, 2005
An American couple killed in a plane crash in Belize blamed on Tropical Storm Gamma's heavy rain and winds were newlyweds on their honeymoon, relatives said.

ACT Alert: Tropical Storm Gamma, Honduras
Nov 22, 2005
Honduras, still in the recovery process after hurricanes Stan, Katrina, Wilma and Beta over the past two months, has now been hit by Tropical Storm Gamma.

Tropical Storm Gamma kills 12 in Central America
Nov 20, 2005
Tropical Storm Gamma lashed Central America and killed at least 12 people, three of them in a plane crash on their way to a luxury jungle lodge owned by film

Tropical storm Gamma strikes Honduras
Nov 18, 2005
Floods caused by pounding rain killed one person in Honduras and washed out roads, leaving thousands stranded as tropical storm Gamma pushed

Nicaragua reassessingties to Mideast
Nov 17, 2005
Nicaragua ‹ Following the death of its longtime "ambassador" to Nicaragua, Palestinian diplomacy in Central America faces a murky future.

El Salvador Meeting Spotlights AIDS Fight in Latin America
Nov 16, 2005
A conference on HIV/AIDS has ended in El Salvador with a new resolve to fight the disease in Latin America and the Caribbean, reports the United

Police Release Composite Of Raleigh Rape Suspect
Nov 16, 2005
He has a very thin mustache and beard and may answer to the nicknames "Yanni" or "Honduras," investigators said. Anyone

In Nicaragua, 3,000 doctors go on strike
Nov 15, 2005
About 3,000 doctors went on strike Monday at government-run hospitals in Nicaragua to demand salary increases and better benefits.



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