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The bread of life can become the kiss of death!
Oct 17, 2004
Countries where field-testing will occur, include Argentina, Bolivia, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, and Nicaragua in the Americas and Bangladesh, Bhutan, India

Latin American Briefs
Oct 17, 2004
The presidents of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras issued an urgent call Saturday, saying efforts to topple their Nicaraguan counterpart, Enrique Bolaños

Central America considers troops for Haiti
Oct 17, 2004
Central American countries are considering sending troops to Haiti at the request of the United Nations to cope with the rising violence there, Honduran

Taking on a troubled school
Oct 16, 2004
"We don't use the book as much as other classes," says Leyser Urbina, a 17-year-old senior from Nicaragua. "You don't have to fall asleep.

Hearing in rape case delayed
Oct 15, 2004
Other residents believed the girl's story, saying men in the complex from Honduras and Africa had been preying on young girls.

High foreign gas taxes alter driving culture
Oct 15, 2004
a film location specialist who pulled up at a Texaco station in central London in ... In America, consumers now spend an average of $1.94 for a gallon for regular

Belize from a black American perspective
Oct 15, 2004
A former graduate of University of Maryland College Park and North County High School Sariane is now a recently returned Peace Corps
Volunteer in Belize. She shares her experiences living and working in a developing country in the following story.

Hispanic Heritage Month to be celebrated Saturday
Oct 14, 2004
Hispanic Heritage Month celebrates the anniversary of independence for five Latin American countries -- Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and

Supporting the troupes
Oct 14, 2004
Also on tap: Nicaragua's first independent theater company, a hip-hopping griot who goes by the name Will Power and a work by the controversial playwright

Florida Marine Killed By Mortar While Serving In Iraq
Oct 14, 2004
Oscar Martinez was born in Dallas in 1984 after his family moved to the United States from El Salvador. The family moved to South Florida in 1987.



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