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Teen Obesity Is a Ticking Time Bomb
Jan 02, 2005
The American Heart Association's warning last week that more children than ever are heading toward heart trouble is primarily due to the nation's obesity epidemic.

U.N.: Despite Aid, Tsunami Survivors Face Disease Risk
Jan 01, 2005
Tens of thousands of tsunami survivors are at risk from killer diseases, such as cholera, despite stepped up international aid, the World Health Organization (WHO) said Saturday.

Tsunami Survivors Face Serious Disease Risks - Doctors
Dec 31, 2004
Survivors of the deadliest tsunami on record face serious water-borne diseases such as cholera, and will urgently need medicine and access to healthcare in the months ahead, doctors and health experts said on Friday.

Smoking During Pregnancy Raises Diabetes Risk
Dec 30, 2004
Pregnant women who smoke face a higher risk of developing diabetes during pregnancy -- a condition known as gestational diabetes -- according to a new study.

Breakups Can Be Mapped in the Brain
Dec 29, 2004
Women who are distraught after breaking up with a romantic partner show brain changes that are not seen in women less upset by a romantic rift, researchers report.

Gay and Straight Men Alike in Body Image Hang-Ups
Dec 28, 2004
Both gay and heterosexual men are equally likely to aspire to an unattainable body type, or to harbor a distorted image of their actual body, new research indicates.

Healthful Diet Urged for Kids Undergoing Chemo
Dec 27, 2004
Kids undergoing chemotherapy for the most common form of childhood leukemia have significant reductions in their antioxidant and micronutrient levels, which could lead to bad side effects from the treatment.

Mifepristone Effective as 'Morning After' Pill
Dec 25, 2004
When taken within five days after unprotected sex, mifepristone works as well for emergency contraception as the approved drug levonorgestrel, UK researchers report.

Night Shift Linked to Late Pregnancy Loss
Dec 23, 2004
Pregnant women who regularly work the night shift may have an increased risk of a miscarriage late in pregnancy or a stillbirth, a new study suggests.

Smelling Citrus Oils Prevents Asthma in Rats
Dec 22, 2004
A key ingredient in the aroma from citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons appears to protect rats from the symptoms of asthma, new research shows.



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