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Pfizer Suspends Celebrex Ads - U.S. FDA
Dec 20, 2004
Pfizer Inc. has agreed to suspend its advertisements for arthritis drug Celebrex while U.S. regulators review new data that link the drug to an elevated risk of heart attacks, a Food and Drug Administration spokeswoman said on Sunday.

Five People in Japan May Have Bird Flu Virus
Dec 18, 2004
Five people in Japan may have been infected with the bird flu virus after an outbreak among chickens in February, but there is no risk they will develop symptoms and no chance of more infections, the government said on Saturday.

Polymeals - the Recipe for a Longer Life?
Dec 17, 2004
If you enjoy good food and don't like the idea of taking pills to reduce the risks of heart attack or stroke, it could be time to try the Polymeal.

Air Around Indoor Pools May Harm Kids' Lung Cells
Dec 16, 2004
Children who make regular visits to an indoor pool may develop damage to a type of lung cell that helps prevent airway inflammation, a new study suggests.

Study: Saliva Can Be Used to Detect Oral Cancer
Dec 15, 2004
Saliva can be used to diagnose whether someone has oral cancer and may also be a reliable indicator of other cancers and diseases, researchers said on Wednesday.

Immigrants to the U.S. Arrive Thin, Get Fat
Dec 14, 2004
Many immigrants to the United States soon get fat, joining an increasingly obese population in their adopted country, researchers said on Tuesday.

Male Birth Control Moves Closer to Reality
Dec 13, 2004
The day when men can take a pill or rely on an implant to keep them from fathering a child may only be a few years away, experts say.

Test Shows Who Needs Chemo for Cancer
Dec 11, 2004
A new genetic test can tell doctors which breast cancer patients need to undergo the discomfort of chemotherapy -- and suggests many women don't need to, researchers said on Friday.

Gene Test Can Predict Breast Cancer Chemo Effect
Dec 10, 2004
A genetic test for patients with early breast cancer can identify that only some of them will be helped by chemotherapy, but for those women the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks, researchers said on Friday.

Smoking Is Bad for the Brain - Study
Dec 09, 2004
Smoking not only damages health, it is bad for the brain too, according to a Scottish study spanning nearly 60 years.



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