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UK to Extend Chiron Flu Vaccine Suspension
Dec 08, 2004
U.K. regulators have extended the suspension of Chiron Corp.'s influenza vaccine production in Liverpool, England for another three months from Jan. 4, the company said on Tuesday.

Birth Month Seen Linked to Multiple Sclerosis Risk
Dec 07, 2004
People born in May in the northern hemisphere have a higher than average risk of developing multiple sclerosis, researchers said on Tuesday.

Flu Season Off to Slower Start, CDC Chief Says
Dec 06, 2004
This year's flu season has started slowly in the United States, where there are concerns about a shortage of vaccine caused by production problems at a major manufacturer, the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Monday.

Seniors Need Extra Help Weathering Winter
Dec 05, 2004
If you're an older adult, the New York-Presbyterian Hospital has these tips on how you can have a safe and healthy winter: Get a flu shot if it's available in your area. Flu season runs from mid-October to mid-March. Flu can be fatal to older adults. Ask your doctor about a vaccine that protects against pneumonia. Check the lighting in your home. Make sure there are no major lighting contrasts from one room to another, because older people have difficulty adjusting to changes in light. High contrasts in lighting can increase the risk of slips and ...

Dark, Leafy Greens Help Shield Eyes from Cataracts
Dec 04, 2004
New research provides further evidence that substances in kale, spinach and other green vegetables help protect aging eyes from cataracts.

New Method Helps Map Women's Happiness
Dec 03, 2004
Having sex is the high point of most women's' days, while commuting is the low point. And most women like being with their kids less than they will admit, according to a study published on Thursday.

HIV Found in More U.S. Gay, Bisexual Men
Dec 02, 2004
The number of newly diagnosed HIV infections in gay and bisexual men has risen in many U.S. states, according to a federal study on Wednesday which stoked concerns AIDS may be poised for a resurgence in the country.

Dirty Teeth Can Kill You, U.S. Study Shows
Dec 01, 2004
Germs found in dental plaque can make their way into the lungs and cause potentially fatal pneumonia in elderly nursing home patients, U.S. researchers reported on Tuesday.

Could a Spray Stop the Spread of Flu, TB, SARS?
Nov 30, 2004
Simply inhaling a saltwater spray could help prevent the spread of diseases including flu and tuberculosis, U.S. and German researchers reported on Monday.

Birdflu Far More Deadly Than SARS, WHO Says
Nov 29, 2004
The bird flu virus is far more lethal than the SARS virus that struck Asia last year and could unleash a pandemic that could kill as many as 50 million people, a World Health Organization official said Monday.



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