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Empowering the Garifuna Women in Dangriga Belize

By: Ifasina Efunyema
Powa Fu Women in Dangiriga, Belize By Ira Stollak and Sariane Leigh

Twenty-one young Garifuna women, aged 18-25, recently completed the first round of “Powa Fu Women”, a project to empower young women to take control of their lives and their health by protecting themselves against HIV and AIDS.
On 26, July 2003 the women traveled to scenic Palacio’s Mountain Resort, owned by Garifuna businesswoman Sharon Palacio, where they attended an all day retreat. To the sound of wind in the trees and the water of a nearby creek, the women learned about the dangers of HIV and how to protect themselves. They also participated in activities to improve their assertiveness and self-esteem, as well as their condom negotiation skills with their sexual partners.

While enjoying free childcare and free food, young women from Dangriga, Belize were also learning to take better charge of their sexual health from HECOPAB Director Joan Burke, Women’s Development Officer Michelle Irving and Garifuna Love FM reporter Ifasina Efunyemi.

The women returned for two afternoon follow-up workshops on 2 August and 9 August held in Dangriga town. They continued to develop their skills and all women showed significant improvement in their ability to demand that their partners were condoms and negotiate safer sexual behavior. One participant said the workshops were, “very educational because I got to learn a lot of things about being assertive”.

Eula Sabal, a 21 year-old youth activist, said, “Everyone knows about HIV but they really don’t now the stages and process of the virus. I believe that most females should attend and get educated about HIV/AIDS. They could at least protect themselves in a relationship.”

Powa Fu Women is a project of the Dangriga HIV/AIDS Society and is funded by PASCA (Proyecto Accion SIDA Centro America), a non-governmental organization that funds HIV/AIDS prevention projects throughout Central America. Powa Fu Woman was the first project funded in Dangriga to address the HIV epidemic in the Garifuna community of Belize. The Dangriga HIV/AIDS Society would like to thank all of the businesses and citizens who have supported the fight against HIV/AIDS in Dangriga. A special thanks to Estella Humphreys, Ethelma Aleman, Nurse Martha Nicasio, and the Peace Corps Volunteers.

The next workshop will be on Saturday, September 6, 2003 at 3 p.m. at the Women’s Department on the Stann Creek Valley Road (across from A&D’s Hardware). Young women interested in participating should contact Sariane Leigh at Southern Regional Hospital at 522-2078 or Michelle Irving at Women’s Department at 522-2089.

Article and Photos submitted by Ira Stollak and Sariane Leigh, Dangriga HIV/AIDS Society

The greatest glory in living ties not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. - Nelson Mandela

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